We Are...
- Innovation Coaches - research shows that instructional coaching improves both instructional practice and student achievement—more so than other professional development and school-based interventions;
- Educators - well-respected, highly-motivated, and certified teachers and administrators committed to transforming teaching and learning;
- Instructional Technology Specialists - recognized as experts in the fields of educational hardware, software, device deployments, and student-centered, personalized learning;
- Industry Leaders - with over 100 industry certifications from the likes of Google, Apple, Microsoft, and more;
- Advocates - leading the charge for innovating teaching and learning through technology integration and personalized learning, in Georgia, the Southeast, and the Nation.
Kennesaw State University iTeach intentionally aspires to create and sustain a culture
that understands, promotes, and celebrates equity and inclusion; where all members
of our organization can thrive and achieve excellence. We believe that the unique
experiences of our team of educators allows us to work with our partners to implement
equitable teaching and learning practices and create educational spaces that value,
honor, and celebrate all learners.
Andy Boyle, Director
Collett Combs, Office Manager